Monday, July 22, 2013

Remember How Far You Have Come

This was a lovely reminder from God this morning.  How quickly we forget how far we have come when things seem to be going backwards.  The slightest setbacks in my past and present tend to throw me off track and onto the wrong path.  Which in turn gives place to an enemy who is dead set on destroying me.  I am thankful that the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of me and never leaves or forsakes me, so when I'm done with the pity parties He is always waiting patiently with arms wide open ready to guide me back to the path that leads me to the destination God has planned for me.  

Thankfully for the first time in a few years, I feel like my heart and head are in the same place.  I see the path before me, I'm on it, I'm taking steps and trying not to run so fast that I end up not finishing.  I'm not looking for short cuts, I'm creating a pace that takes me to the end. In 223 days I will be doing the Sky Course on the Carnival Sunshine!  Although I just looked at this picture and well......okay....I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me!!!  Right?????

The weekend went well, I stayed on track with calories and water.  I did have carbonated drink on Friday night but none since then.  So I can still have 2 more this week.  I will be going to the gym at lunch today.  This will be a weight machine day, which always makes me  uneasy because I fight feeling self conscious if there are other people out there.  I will remind myself of the above statement....remember I'm not where I want to be, but I'm also not where I used to be!  Heading towards a happy healthy me!

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