(I stole my title from the title of the sermon at church last night.)
So, did you realize that God created brainwashing. He talks about our minds being renewed and washed with the Word of God. I want my mind to be washed and made clean. An example given was that of reworking antique furniture. First you have to get all of the gunk off, clean it up and get back to natural clean wood. Then you can put on a fresh new coat of stain/paint and it has been restored. Our minds are the same. The old addage garbage in, garbage out is a great example. But it can work the other way, take the time to get the garbage out, clean out your mind and use the word of God to put in things that are true, holy and pure. Think on those things. Put on the mind of Christ. He said it over and over again and I don't guess you can say it to many times, the WORD is how you renew your mind, it is how you overcome your circumstances. When a situation comes at you, go to the word, find God's answer for your situation and get it in you. Use a concordance, ask other people, be led by the Holy Spirit whatever it takes at that moment, find out what God says about your situation and then stand on it. When you do that you faith is inspired and you are able to fly SKY HIGH above the problem, you can get over it and it not get you down. The Word says: "He always causes us to triumph in Christ", "He has made us overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony", "We are more than conquerors"! There is VICTORY in Jesus so why walk in defeat?
This statement said it all......
You know when you have been brainwashed by God (and His Word) when a situation presents itself and your FIRST thought is....what does God say about this.....
This message could not have been more timely, I have a testimony that has presented itself even as I type this message. Truly in this area I have been brainwashed.....
Rocky just called and my car is getting fixed and will drive fabulously and I did not panic at the total it will cost to get it that way!! This comes from years of having my faith inspired by the word in this area and knowing that the word is true. We live daily knowing that "My God shall supply all of my need according to His riches in Glory" and "Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom". God has always been faithful to show us this is true in our life. Not to mention that the word of our testimony in areas of what could have been financial devestation have always proven us to be OVERCOMERS! This one will too. My first thought was truly that God would supply the need and praise God my car is getting fixed and I'll feel safe driving it!
I hope this made sense because I certainly did not speak nearly as well or clearly as it was spoken to us as a congregation last night, but it sure did speak to my heart. Thank You Lord always being right on time.