Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday again..finally.

As always I am ready for the weekend. I've had a great week and have not cheated at all, in fact I've not really even had the urge to. It's nice to have healthy food in the house, when I wanted a snack last night I had a banana with a bit of peanut butter on it, it satisfied the need and it wasn't bad for me. I walked again yesterday and discovered that the building on "the hill" that I walked on Tuesday has stairs on the opposite side of the building. It was tough to go up and down them but it wasn't as scary as going down that steep hill and concentrating on every step and fearing that one wrong move and I'd tumble to the bottom of the hill and end up laying in the middle of Jefferson Street. That was quite a picture in my brain.

My boss is back in the hospital after suffering a setback yesterday from the surgery he had a month ago. I won't give any details out of respect for him and his family. Yet, I will say that watching what he's been through has definitely helped me to realize the importance of what I hope will become a healthy lifestyle. I don't want to have problems later in life because of stupid choices I make now. My eyes are opened to the reality of what bad choices will do to your body. I believe completely that Jesus is the Great Physician, but I also feel responsible for taking care of what He gave me. He specifically tells us not to harm the temple of the Holy Spirit and that is our body. He calls us to not only honor Him with our life and words but with our bodies. I am thankful that He is forgiving and when I blow it He isn't judging me for it, because I do know there will be times when I blow it...I mean hello have you been on a cruise ship? I have and there is more food than any one person should consume in a month more less a week. I did gain less this year than last year so hopefully next year I will keep the same momentum going but our cruise is 2 days longer....yikes. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, no need to borrow trouble from tomorrow when today is all I can live in.

Not much going on here today, its quiet and half the staff isn't even in the office and my BFF is not at work today, so I'm quite bored, who knows you might get another post out of me later. For now, this is all I have.....if I don't check in later I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and make a point to be a blessing on purpose!!

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