Saturday, May 3, 2008

I can't believe it....

We made over $500 in the garage sale! God is so gooood!

My bitter sweet moment was a very difficult one, all of my Mickey's were bought, but they all went to the same home, so there was sweet mixed in with the sadness. They were bought by an elderly couple who have 2 great granddaughters and one was a preemie that was only 2.5 pounds when she was born and she loves Mickey. They were so pleased to find them and it made it a little easier to let them go. I did shed a few tears and God bless Dawn N. for seeing it was difficult and bagging them up and helping them load them because I was not handling it well. It was time for them to go and I knew it was time for them to go, but the actually act of letting them go was hard. But, I do have my pictures and had decided I was not going to go to Sam's and get them but I am thinking that right this minute I may just go ahead and drive up there and pick them maybe I will get a layout done this weekend after all...we shall see, but maybe not, I have some things I need to do around here so I really need to focus on that, but I'm tired....we shall see.

I guess I should go ahead and run my errands.

1 comment:

Kaye said...

Congrats on the $$$$! That's awesome! I know how hard it was to let go of the Mickeys. I'm attached to so many things for sentimental reasons -- I don't know if I would have done as well as you.